Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Day 90: Showing Off

This trick will NEVER get old. Take your socks off and then show off how flexible you are!?! Sign this girl up!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Day 89: Settling Back In

Today was our first full day back. We reorient ourselves to our normal routines, which meant Sivan and I worked from home. It was nice to have normalcy again. 

This kid loves to eat. I'm trying to get rid of all of our chametz (any food with leavening agents that we don't eat during Passover, so I made a meal with rice tonight. Not surprisingly, Sivan was all over it. 

She still has a while to work on her table manners, right?

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Day 88: Trip Home

On the plane to head home after an amazing week away. 

And even better, she (and I) slept most of the flight home!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Day 87: Beach!

The original reason for heading to Florida is the wedding of a good friend. We originally planned to go to Disney the week after the wedding, but that timing coincided with many schools' spring breaks, so we ended up choosing to save a bit of money and do the parks the week before the wedding. Today, though, we headed across the state to Palm Beach Gardens so we could share in the happy occasion. We also managed to squeeze in a quick beach visit.

Taking in the view - a little too chilly to go for a dip. 

Snacking on sand?

Friday, March 27, 2015

Day 86: Last Day in the Parks

Today was our last day in the parks, so we started out at the Magic Kingdom. We had important people to meet (a certain pair of sisters from Arendelle), so we made sure to get up and to the park early so we could race to their meeting place. We hadn't been to the Magic Kingdom at rope drop before, and it was quite the special experience. Singing, dancing, a train filled with celebrities, and even a couple of fireworks to announce the park opening. So exciting - such a great experience. 

After the princess/queen visit, we caught a ride on the carousel - Sivan's first ride! Michal truly delighted in sharing the ride with her little sister. 

We decided to take a quick break and run over to Animal Kingdom for lunch and the final few badges for Michal's Wilderness Explorer program. Since The girls' grandmother missed out the first time, we even took in the Lion King show again. Sivan LOVED it. Like jumping up and down for the entire show loved it. Here she is smiling around the finger in her mouth - perhaps molars are coming in. 

We got back to Magic Kingdom in time for dinner. Friends from home arrived in the park that day, so we met up to hang out. 

Getting ready for the electrical mighty parade and the fireworks. Right before this picture she yawned. She looks like she's ready to fall asleep, which she did not long after. 

Quite the view. What an amazing week.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Day 85: Hollywood and the World

There were a few attractions and people we wanted to see in Hollywood Studios, so we started out our day there. 

Sivan got to meet Minie. She wasn't AS excited about her and she was with Mickey. 

Also got a few pictures of Sivan at Epcot. It's the Flower and Garden Show there right now, so I was happy that she cooperated in time to let me get a few pictures with a pretty backdrop. 

Even a super cute selfie with me. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Day 84: Animal Kingdom

Today was Animal Kingdom. Lots of fun seeing animals and learning at each Wilderness Explorer badge stop. And look - Sivan let someone else hold her AND smiled to boot!

She loves to smile and say, "Hi!" In her sweet high voice. 

Also - tried watermelon for the first time. 

Another first today - Sivan started to clap during the Lion King show. She'd never clapped before and then unleashed that skill in a totally contextually appropriate way. Super special. 

And then slept on me. :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Day 83: Double Dipping

Today we started out at Disney's Hollywood Studios, primarily because they have all things Star Wars. We had to get there so big sister could learn how to become a jedi. Important things. Later we went to Epcot for dinner and learning. Very busy day trying to take in all, or some, of what these two parks had to offer. 

Most of the Sivan pictures from this day are with me. Because that is just how she wants to roll lately.  I won't complain too much. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Day 82: A Very Magic Kingdom

First day in The Happiest Place on Earth. Sivan seemed to enjoy herself - looking around, taking it all in, occasionally napping. 

Her absolute favorite, though, was Mickey. She was absolutely transfixed by him. Would not take her eyes off his face. He is a rockstar to this kid.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Day 81: First Flight

We headed down to Florida for our vacation to Walt Disney World (and a good friend's wedding). It was Sivan's first flight and she was a trooper. 

She spent much of the flight looking around. Especially at her big sister. 

They really do love each other. It's lovely to see.

All ready to go for new adventures!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Day 80: Bruiser Baby

Sivan had a run in with the play yard she napped in yesterday. Not sure how she did it, but she scratched up her nose a bit. 

Today it's a bit better. Not so angry looking. 

Day 79: Basketball Baby

Sivan tagged along with Daddy to watch all the basketball a girl could want. She almost made it before the nap crept in. 

I can't help but be jealous. I can't remember the last time she fell asleep on me. So adorable. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day 78: Happy?

Sivan was mostly fine today after her antics of the night before, and made it almost through the entirety of the day before getting sick. But after she got sick, she was completely happy. Silly girl. 

Happy and talking. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Day 77: A Bit of Ick

We're still not sure what is going on with her, but Sivan had a bit of an upset stomach tonight. Twice, in fact. So into the tub with her. Got this picture of her - wish it wasn't so blurry but it's a great snapshot of her burgeoning personality. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Day 76: Feet and Faces

Someone is obsessed with pulling off her socks. Luckily the weather has begun to make this less an example of horrific parenting on my part, as people look at you funny if your baby goes about public without any foot covering. Sivan doesn't care about this public condemnation. She is a fashion rebel. Or she just doesn't like stuff on her feet. Something like that. 

She also likes taking silly selfies. Second Lip Baby selfie we've had lately. It's totally the new Duckface.  

Monday, March 16, 2015

Day 75: Sick Day

Michal stayed home sick today, and while Sivan was completely healthy, she also had a rough day. Separation anxiety continues to plague our house and Sivan refused to be away from me. At one point she was completely hysterical, sitting with Josh. At the other end of the couch. Two feet away. It was one of those days. Luckily she is cute so I let her hang out on/near me. 

And sometimes she tries to eat my phone. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Day 74: Cheer Squad

The past couple of months, Josh has been playing basketball in a league with a few friends (and friends of friends).  He's been enjoying it, but unfortunately the games have been on Sunday nights, too late for the girls to cheer on their daddy.  Today, however, it was a little earlier, so we headed on down to the middle school gym to watch.

Josh taking a jump shot - Sivan watches on.

It wasn't a pretty game - the team only had four guys show up to play, which made the game a little more difficult than it needed to be.  Sivan decided she'd had enough of it and was going to crawl in.  She could totally trip a guy or two, right?

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Day 73: Funny Face

All day today, Sivan has been making a version of this face.  No clue why - perhaps her teeth are feeling funny?  Maybe she just likes being silly.  Who knows.  Either way, I found it quite amusing.

Also, lots of drool.

We spent the afternoon with good friends.  Sivan hung out with Eli (while Michal hung out with Eli's big sister), but the two babies did play quite nicely.

Even when they want to play with the same thing they did so nicely.  I hope they continue to be good friends.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Day 72: Ten Months Old!

Yesterday marked Sivan's ten month "birthday," and her actual birthday will be here before we know it.  Where does the time go.

Unfortunately the morning (and afternoon) will a little hectic and rough, so we did not get a chance to take her ten month photo until today. The photo shoot was very reminiscent of last month's (read: Sivan did NOT want to sit and smile for me, rather she preferred to pull herself over to the arm of the chair to check out the items sitting on the side table).

Sivan at ten months:
* has eight teeth - four on top and four on bottom
* loves all food - even today, she destroyed two samosas and the rest of our lunch at the Indian restaurant
* she is now crawling and is gaining speed - she loves to crawl into Michal's room to see what Big Sis is up to
* she can sign "milk," "all done," and loves to wave hello and goodbye
* we think she has said "hi" as her first word, and Marisol, who watches her during the week, apparently has a video where she says "hola"

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Day 71: Quick Dinner

Another quick dinner before I head back down to a work event. Sivan loves all the food. All of it.

Attack eyebrows!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Day 69: Delish

Today I had to make two lunches, due to a certain someone asking demanding I share.  She didn't even seem to mind that it was a little on the spicy side.

I should have used a bib.  By the end of lunch, that onesie was a goner.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Day 68: Hanging Out

I had a work meeting Monday night, so we met Josh for dinner and kid swap.  Figured it might be easier to wear Sivan than use the stroller, so here we are, posing for a selfie.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Day 67: Rough Days

Sivan has had a few rough days lately. Her sleep hasn't been great, and we can't tell if it's teeth, a potential ear infection, or some other unknown cause. She took a decent nap this morning, but this afternoon fell asleep on the couch, only resting for twenty minutes. Later she had a huge meltdown. 

I don't know what's going on with her, but I'm hoping whatever is bothering her lets up soon. She doesn't seem her normal happy self. 

And yes. That is baby drool.