Saturday, February 28, 2015

Day 59: Dance!

I had no idea that preschool dances were a thing, so I didn't even  have any preconceived notions of what we would discover when we got to the JCC where Michal goes to preschool.  With Josh at a work conference all weekend (and a bit beyond), Sivan was my Plus One.  What was in store for us?  Would they play Old McDonald Had a Farm or Gangnum Style?  I figured the lights would only be dimmed so much, but beyond that, it was a new experience.

It was fairly crowded.  Michal was handed a glow in the dark necklace at the door (I should have anticipated that), and there were kids frenetically moving all over the place. Some running, some dancing, a bunch chasing balloons that were only filled with air, and somehow the chase sent kids flying through the air, skidding in party shoes that allow no traction.  Michal was in this last bunch.  I'm not sure how many times she lost shows or went flying headlong into an unsuspecting three year old

Still in her shul clothes from services that morning - she refused to take them off all day - she wanted to be ready to dance in style.

She looks like she is enjoying this necklace, but really, I could barely keep it on her.  She wanted it OFF.

Swag!!  Someone came around at one point and handed out maracas.

All in all, it was a really fun evening.  Michal got to hear all her jams play - at one point, as she passionately sung along to Roar by Katy Perry with arms flung akimbo, a woman standing nearby mentioned something about my musical, dramatic child.  Yes.  Yes she is.

Can't wait to see who Sivan grows to be.  Hopefully we'll get to revisit this preschool dance thing in a few years when she is in school.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Day 58: Stroller Snooze

We got rid of the infant bucket seat a few weeks ago, moving Sivan to a convertible car seat (hand me down from Michal, who got a new five-point harness booster).  We then had to change out her stroller, which had been outfitted with an adapter that allowed us to plop her carseat straight into it.  Now the stroller is back to its regular configuration, which is only slightly less convenient than before.  

Today Sivan and I walked around an outlet mall, our visit was due to stopping by the Disney Store to pick up our park passes for an upcoming trip to a certain theme park down in Florida.  As we walked around, I realized she had fallen asleep - it must be her first in her "new" ride.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Day 57: Sister Love

Tonight as I was making dinner before Josh got home, Michal played nicely by herself in the living room while Sivan kept me company in the kitchen, munching on Bamba and anything else I'd give her. After a while, she started to cry, and after listening a bit, I could tell it wasn't her hunger cry. I wasn't sure what it was. After I sat with her for a bit without any improvement, I had a thought and called Michal over. Tears stopped and Sivan was happy again, so I asked Michal to hang out and play with her for a bit. So, of course, she ran off. 

Where'd she go??

Yay!! She's back!!

Oooomph. Maybe this wasn't the best idea ever. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 56: Mum mum love

Sivan is a huge fan of mum mums. They are rice rusk crackers; I have no idea if it's the taste, the texture and crunch, or the shape and size, but she goes gaga for them. 

Happy baby with a mum mum in hand. 

Take a bite. 


Bye bye!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Day 54: Words

Fairly certain we have had our first word from the littlest one: "Hi!", which is squealed while waving enthusiastically. At first I decided it must be a fluke, since it was also Michal's first word (and SHE hasn't stopped talking/singing/laughing/yelling since). Since Sivan repeated it four or five more times throughout the day (with other adults serving as witness), I think we just need to admit that this is happening. Hold on folks, it's going to be a wild ride!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Day 53: Snow Day... Again

Josh and the girls were kind enough to let me sleep in a bit this morning, since I'd woken up early to go to work. Once it was clear the snow we got yesterday was going to make opening school inadvisable, and after I sent out roughly a thousand emails to parents, teachers, teen aides, and everyone else, I took a nap. When I woke up, this is who greeted me. 

She really looked like she had stepped out of an '80s exercise video. 

Much later, after Skyping with my mom, it was time for a bath. Got the girls naked and went to prepare the water. Apparently Sivan was not content to wait. 

She's starting to get pretty adept at this crawling thing. Can't believe how quickly she is growing.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Day 52: Hats

I think she likes this hat better than her cheetah fleece one? It's hard to tell - at least this one she allows to remain on her head. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 49: Backseat Drivers

With yesterday a snow day, today was the first time the girls got to ride in their new seats. I felt a little like Oprah. 

You get a seat! You get a seat!

Love Sivan's little hand wave there. That's new this week - that and high fives. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day 48: Snow, Baby!

We finally got a decent snowfall this winter - roughly four inches of powdery (ie not snowman or snowball snow) white frozen stuff. Once we finished breakfast we bundled up and went outside. 

Michal was ready to go, although she was bummed that her snowballs were a little ineffectual. 

No problems making a snow angel, though!

Moment of truth - what does she think?  Here she's looking at me as if to say, "What is this stuff?"

Yeah... not so much a fan of snow just yet. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

Day 47: New Ride

Today was Sivan's last day in the infant bucket seat. She was only an inch away from the height limit, so we decided to take advantage of a great trade in offer at our local national baby/toy store. We ended up getting Michal a five-point harnass booster so that Sivan can move into the convertible seat her big sister was using. 

Another milestone - last day in the infant seat:

First time in a big girl seat:

Also: no surprise here:

And last but not least, new favorite dinner:

Day 46: Dinner Companion

We got to have dinner with some great friends tonight, and they got to experience dining with Sivan. Or rather, half of her. 

Sivan is ALL about new friends these days, constantly looking around and flexing and smiling with anyone and everyone. I wonder who she reminds me of - we might have another social butterfly on our hands. 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Day 45: Discerning Palate

Sivan wasn't very patient at dinner tonight. While later she would dine on (my) southwest grilled chicken salad - chicken, avocado, black beans, red peppers, oh my! - she wasn't happy about having to wait. Luckily I had some Mum Mums (a rice rusk delicacy... whatever that is) with us. 

She doesn't seem pleased. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Day 43: Nine Months!

It's hard to believe, but today Sivan is nine months old.  We are rounding third base on our way to that big one year mark.  Amazing.  I realize I didn't do this last month with Sivan at eight months, but here is Sivan at nine months:

  • has six teeth (!!!) - two on top, four on the bottom
  • loves all food, especially bananas and sweet potatoes
  • is starting to crawl - she hasn't quite figured out that crawling will get her places - once she figures this out, she's going to be on her way
  • loves her big sister and often peeks around looking for her
  • wears 12 month or 12-18 month clothing
  • super happy - she doesn't laugh much, but she is such a happy baby, always smiling at everyone around her

This morning's photo shoot was... interesting.  Thought I would let the pictures tell the story.

Sitting pretty.... for now...

Oooh!  What's over there?!

What?? I wasn't doing anything!

Michal wanted to get in on the action.  Sivan wasn't thrilled.

This isn't such an unusual occurrence.  Usually Michal garners more smiles from Sivan, but it I do find myself saying, "What is Sivan telling you with her crying right now, Michal?" quite often.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Day 42: Randoms

Just a few random pictures from today. 

My, what big eyes you have... and teeth!

New favorite game: "dumpster" diving - today's big find: cloth wipes. 

Silly sisters playing a game

I love the look on Michals face. You can't see Sivan's face, but it is clear Michal adores her little sister. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Day 41: Dog Pile!

I'm Crazy Tuesday, we managed to have a little time this morning before doing my driving loops around Montgomery County, dropping off one kid then the other. At one point Michal was in my lap and really wanted Sivan to sit in hers.  Obviously this would be the perfect picture for the day. 

It isn't so easy with two kids in your lap - my arm just wasn't quite long enough to take a selfie. I managed, even if the concentration it took to get us all in the shot AND smile mostly eluded me. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Day 40: Working Hard

Sivan really loves helping me work. She always lends a helping hand. 

If you ever need something out on caps lock... or to toggle your screen between various monitors... or to turn off your wifi and out your computer in airplane mode -- she's your girl! 

Doesn't she just look so happy?!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Day 39: Still Clingy

Today was another High Cling Alert day for Sivan. We were basically at code orange - if I moved more than three inches away from her, she let her displeasure be known. She wouldn't show her face for the meltdown (she decided to cry INTO the carpet), but here is the aftermath. 

It took her a little while to warm back up. Sister-Ima pictures didn't quite get her back to happy. 

Bamba helped

In the end, this was how anything got done tonight. Thank God for the Tula.