Monday, August 31, 2015

Day 243: Profile

Just love this shot of her in profile. She's laughing at some antic of Michal. Love it. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Day 242: Elul

Every day during the Jewish month of Elul, we blow the shofar. It is a signal that heralds the approaching High Holy Days and helps us to prepare for this important time. Sivan is very helpfully reminding us with her shofar. 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Day 241: Awards Season

I've won the cutest baby in the world award. Who, me?  Well, I'll be!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Day 240: Shabbat Baby Gets a New Carrier

Not a ton to share today. It's Friday, so we did our regular Shabbat evening blessings. Every week I dip my finger in the juice to give Sovan a taste. I've started to try to give her a teeny sip from the cup, but she has absolutely no interest. I took this photo though - she looks adorable and so serious. But nope. No juice for her.

Also, I traded one of my Tula baby carriers this week and our new carrier arrived in the mail. It's one I've listed after forever - in a toddler size - so it should last us a while. Tried it on, and of course someone had to be goofy. 
Silly girl. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Day 239: Reunited

The girls were back together when Michal returned from her time with grandma. I didn't get pictures of it, but they were hysterical at dinner. My hopes that Sivan might be a little calmer, less talkative than her older, locquaciois sister are starting to fade, as Sivan did a five minute comedy routine designed entirely to make her big sister laugh. She succeeded, too. 

Just a little pre-bedtime reading tonight. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Day 238: Not Quite All Better (Maybe?)

I spoke too soon. It was bound to happen, but it seemed like we were fully over the sick when Sivan got to go back to school yesterday. And then today she woke up with a rash - small red pinpoints all over her trunk and some flat red hives on her neck and by her ears. So I called the nurse and she suggested giving her Benadryl and keeping an eye on her. Josh had already left for work but took the longest u-turn ever (he was on the train, ended up going down into and then back out of the city to get back home) so he could stay with her and I could get to work. 

Post Benadryl. She didn't last long. 

The Benadryl seemed to work a bit, and it seems that this is just the remnants of whatever she was fighting off earlier in the week. No fever, no symptoms aside from the rash, so yay. 

When I got home, we had dinner, talked with Michal, who is enjoying a few days with grandma, and then took a bath and got ready for bed. 

I never tire of pensive, voyeur baby. 

Meditating on the meaning of "S."  You can see a bit of the rash here, but it doesn't show up so well. 

Trying on her new diaper

Too bad Michal isn't here to freak out over this awesome new diaper. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Day 237: All Better

Look who is fever free and feeling happy as can be!

Off to day care we go!!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Day 236: Sick Day, Part Deux

But I don't wanna be home sick again!!!

Slightly better night of sleep. The same cannot be said of her temperature in the meaning. 103.7. Tylenol and sick cuddles with Ima for this girl. 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Day 235: Sick Day

Guess who didn't get much sleep last night.

This girl

Isn't it sweet, though, how she tries to smile through the pain? 

We woke up around 2:00 (and by "we," I do mean me, as Josh was lost to the world due to a Benadryl induced coma) as this girly had a pretty high fever. I was slight delirious, so it was somewhere in the 103-105 degree range. Obviously to hot. With the help of modern medicine it was manageable by the morning. 

We stayed home from a friend's birthday party, since we wanted to be considerate and not possibly pas on bad germs, and hung out at home. 

She was OBSESSED with putting on socks. At one point she had two pairs on simultaneously. 

What little sister doesn't want to dress up in big sister's clothes?!  She rocks the size six pretty well. 

Here is hoping she feels better in the morning. 

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Day 234: MommyCon

Today was a momentous day in Sivan's life - her first Con! True, she didn't make it to San Diego for Comic Con, so we went to the next best thing: MommyCon!

All kidding aside, it was a fun day. We spent time with a friend, helped set a new baby wearing world record (maybe? We never heard confirmation of this), and did some shopping. Sivan was a trooper, even falling asleep for a brief nap during the events of the day. 

First convention!  Getting ready to listen to Jennifer Labit, whose company makes the diapers on Sivan's tush!

Close up during the world record setting event of most people wearing children in one room. These are important times, people. 


Best way to spend your lunch hour - sleeping on Ima's back.  Don't worry. She eventually woke up and ate. 

Walking the halls of the convention center. She loved saying hi to everyone!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Day 233: An Apple a Day

Don't let any apples out of your sight around this girl. If she can get her grubby little mitts on an apple, she is going to town on that thing.

Don't cross her. She bites!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Day 232: Sleepy Girl

Apparently someone might need it to be an early night.

It's hard work being this cute. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Day 231: Monkey Do. Birdie Do.

I love wearing Sivan, and often that is the only way I can get things done. Especially in making dinner, since Josh doesn't get home until right when we eat. I recently traded one of my carriers for a print I just adore. It's one that is just love - birds and hearts - and since I have this association with birds for Sivan (it was monkeys for Michal), it had to be mine. I got it last week but hadn't had a chance to try it out, so I got it on, plopped her in, and took some pictures to get a sense of how it looked in use.

She looks thrilled, yes?

Photobomber attacks. Sivan seems mildly amused and interested. 

Uh oh - she's getting into the spirit!

Birdie see. Birdie do. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Day 230: Grumpy Butt

Sivan is a pretty good sleeper, but lately when she wakes up, she is angry and unhappy at something - probably at not being with us immediately or something like that. So it was strange today when it got to be 8:00 (running late) and she was still asleep. So I went into her to room to wake her up and get a move on things. She wasn't terribly upset, but she definitely wasn't quite ready to be up just then.

What is this?

This must be some cruel joke. 

Fine. I'll pretend to be almost happy. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Day 229: Just Like Michal

One of the awesome presents Michal got from her birthday was a huge set of magnatiles from her uncle.  Michal loves to build so she jumped right in, building two space ships and a building that resembled Big Ben. Of course Sivan was intrigued. She didn't build much but she explored. 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Day 228: Party Time!

Today is Michal's birthday, so lucky Sivan gets to party! For the fourth year in a row, we held it at a local splash park, which is super awesome by itself, but made even cooler now that Sivan is walking (read: not only crawling on concrete).

The birthday girl and friend. 

Getting a bite of birthday cupcake. 

Silly girl with her silly face. 

And of course, more splashing!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Day 227: Really Rosie

What a treat today! The girls' grandmother got tickets for all of us to go see Really Rosie, a play written by Maurice Sendak and put to music by the great Carole King. It was Sivan's first introduction to the theater and she seemed to dig it. Luckily the theater (located at/near one of the oldest mental institutions on the country?!?) was very kid and baby friendly, and everyone seemed thrilled to have her there, even though she wasn't always perfectly behaved. She was a toddler, moving around, wanting to get as close to the stage as she could (I didn't let that happen, often employing the football hold as i hastened her back to the open area at the back of the auditorium).

Not super into the dress up options. Any hat on was pulled off in a jiffy. 

Considering the staging with a critical eye. 

Watching intently from the back

Which was obviously not as cool as being up at the front. Off we went. Such a fun experience though. 

Friday, August 14, 2015

Day 226: Last Day of Preschool

Today was Michal's last day of preschool, and since both girls had an appointment for their regular check ups with their pediatrician, we brought Sivan to school with her big sis. I like to think she's getting a taste of what is in store for her, albeit down the road a bit.

Requisite porch photo. Michal decides to pose. Sivan refused to stand up. 

Getting a lay of the land. And those shoes. She adores them. 

Sitting in the circle with big sis and friends. 

And just for fun while waiting for our favorite pediatrician. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Day 225: Pensive Baby

Josh was out tonight at a Trivia Night (they won second place! Huzzah!), so I made an executive decision to not cool and grab dinner out, bringing it home in case Sivan turned into a possessed child, which is never a welcome development when eating in polite society.

It was a good decision. She was definitely not happy-go-lucky tonight. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Day 224: Morning Smiles and Afternoon Play

How in the world is she so smiley this early in the morning??

Later, when we got home after school and day care and work, we played outside with a friend. It's amazing to watch Sovan slowly begin to prefer standing and walking to crawling. It's a welcome preference when we are outside on the concrete. 

And more chalk art