Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Day 7: Doll Baby

Every so often, I have a day where I barely see the kids. I get them to myself every morning, racing against the clock to convince the four year old that she does indeed want to wear clothes to school today, making sure the baby has enough diapers so as to avoid forcing the sitter to get creative with nappies thrown together with swaddling blankets and rubber bands, and generally getting us out the door so I arrive at work before lunchtime. And as frustrating and stressful as those mornings can be, I still have that time with them and I'm fortunate that we can make our schedules work to make the puzzle pieces of our life fit together. 

And while I love my job and the people with whom I work, sometimes I have late nights. Tonight was one such night. Big kid decided to stay up so I could do music with her when I got home well past her bedtime (she made it through the entirety of the Victory Celebration music at the end of Return of the Jedi before passing out during Brown Eyed Girl - "our" song), but Sivan had been asleep a long while by the time I got home. So I did what any sane person does who  has decided to keep a daily blog for each of the 365 days of this year.... Sneak into her room to take a picture. 

Luckily she wasn't a super light sleeper tonight. Darling girl. 

I can't wait until the morning. 

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